Cross-border Institute of International Studies and Criminal Justice Sciences (ITSIJP)

Aware of the importance of the national and international studies as well as their interaction with criminal sciences and forensics, appeared the idea of creating an independent research institute, within the important regional cross-border component was taken into account, considering the neighborhood with the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine, namely the quality in which Romania, as member State of the EU ensures the security of its eastern external border. Thus, it was outlined the idea of a multidisciplinary research structure with related fields of interest, in this case criminal sciences, international studies and human rights, with a mandatory component in the current context, namely the protection and refugee rights, thus targeting the transdisciplinarity of high-level academic cooperation with the aim to develop relevant research in the field of international studies and criminal cooperation, respectively the impact of the criminogenic phenomena at the confluence between the EU  and New Independent States, as well as issues regarding Immigrants/Refugees from Middle East States.

Correspondance between the R&D activity and the intelligent specialization domains for the strategic cycle 2014-2020/areas for public priority for the actual strategic cycle. Innovative methods and technologies for cross-border fighting against terrorism, organized crime, illicit trafficking of goods and people.