The ITCM Center performs by five research laboratories, organized in accordance with the research directions of the center, as follows:
1. Optimal Control, Materials Machinability and Machine Tools Laboratory (COPMA):
- Mathematical modeling of manufacturing process control
- Machinability of materials by cutting
- Machine tools dynamics
- Manufacturing scheduling
2. CAD/CAM/CAE Integrated Technologies Laboratory (TEIN):
- CAM simulation using MasterCAM
- Finite Element Method appyled in manufacturing
- CAM technological laboratory for materials cutting
3. Advanced Technologies in Metal Forming Laboratory (TPR):
- Deformabilty tests
- Simulation of metal forming using FEM
- Technological laboratory for metal forming
- Unconventional technologies for metal forming
4. Surface Generation and Computer Measurement Systems Laboratory (MGS):
- Mathematical modeling of surfaces generation
- Computer measurement systems
- Software for reverse engineering
- Additive manufacturing facilities
5. Robotics and Mechatronics Systems Laboratory (ROSM)
- FESTO automation systems for manufacturing
- Hydro-pneumatics devices for robots
- Electrical drive for robots
- Assembly lines