Infrastructure for Environmental Interdisciplinary Research in Lower Danube Euroregion (INPOLDE)

The description of infrastructure is found on the website: (INPOLDE - Infrastructure for Environmental Interdisciplinary Research in Lower Danube Euroregion)

Relevant equipment and applications:


High Resolution Continuous Source Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (HRCS-AAS) Equipment with microwave digestion System (MWS-2, Berghof) and accessories, with Flame, Graphite Furnace and Hydrides Analysis Techniques ContrAA 700 - Analytic Jena, Germany.

Analysis of chemical elements and heavy metals at trace level (64 elements) in environmental samples (water, soil, sediment, molluscs, fish, plankton, aquatic algae, etc.) and industrial samples.

[Data sheet]


Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrophotometer (FTIR) with ATR module and accessories Tensor Brucker 27, Germany.

Analysis of organic compounds in environmental, pharmaceutical, biological and industrial samples by the FTIR and FTIR-ATR method; Analysis of molecular spectrophotometry.
[Data sheet]


UV-VIS spectrophotometer for water analysis SPECORD 200 PLUS, Analytic Jena, Germany.

Analysis of water samples by spectrophotometry in the double-beam UV-VIS field; molecular spectrophotometry analyzes.
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Radon / Thoron Monitor, Thoron Scout SARAD, Germany.

Measurement of the concentration of radon and thoron and their descendants in indoor air.

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