In accordance with the main current research areas and with the Internationalisation strategy of „Dunărea de Jos” University of Galați, the mission of The Research Center resides in conducting efficient fundamental, theoretical and practical research activities – in the Philology, Cultural studies and Communication studies domains – in view of analysing literary structures and forms that reflect identity dynamics in pluri/multicultural contexts, linguistic interferences in spaces open to intercultural dialogue, as well as identity and cultural representations reflected in the mass-media, all doubled by a continuous internationalisation strategy. The activities conducted within the Center are organised by the formation of research teams made up of academics and researchers, who are members of the Center, of Master’s students enrolled in the study programs managed by the Department of literature, linguistics and journalism, Faculty of Letters, as well as of PhD students in Philology – Romanian literature/The theory of literature/Universal and compared literature - within the Doctoral School of Socio-humanities, “Dunărea de Jos” University of Galați.