The general research-development-innovation areas focus on:
- Developing and enriching the existing research lines at a national and international level, applicable to the specificity of the following domains: Philology, Cultural studies and Communication studies;
- Identifying and developing new inter and multidisciplinary fundamental and practically applied research lines in the above-mentioned domains, having direct relevance to identity dynamics in pluri/multicultural contexts, to linguistic interferences in spaces open to intercultural dialogue, as well as to cultural and identity representations reflected in the mass-media;
- Providing training, expertise, counselling, consultancy and evaluation particularly to the following domains: Philology, Cultural studies and Communication studies.
The secondary research-development-innovation areas focus on:
I. Literary configurations and Romanian identity benchmarks in a global context.
- Romanian literature in totalitarianism and post totalitarianism;
- European models in Romanian literature of the 19th and 20th;
- Canon and anti-canon in the Romanian literature and critique of the 20th-21st;
- Cultural memory and literary representations.
II. Linguistic policies in the current European cultural space.
- Communication and plurilingualism;
- Current orientations in the study of the Romanian language. Transcultural perspectives;
- Romanian language and Romanian cultural identity.
III. European cultural models and cultural-identity representations reflected in the mass media.
- Identity marks and plurilingualism in the media discourse;
- Borders and generic transgressions. From literature to media representation;
- Language interference and media discourse.